Well, I feel caught up a little. There's been a lot to happen in the last 4 1/2 months but I've posted a few to see. So, scroll down.
To recap what we've been up to. Jason is back doing mold again full time. From the little hiatus from the mold field, he's retired his hard hat and calculator and said good bye to his "Manuel labor" for good. (His words) Jason's life is great again. And of course, he's found a "gaming group" to play with. And plays every Thursday night. What happened to the every once a month group?? Not every week????
I have been up to my eye balls in photography. I have pretty much averaging one wedding a month. In May I have two. Which might not sound a lot, but when you tack on engagements, bridals, wedding, and reception. That's a lot of pictures and work. But I love it. If anyone wants to see some of my work as I go, I have a blog at mackphotography.blogspot.com. It's so fun!
Oh, I almost forgot about the potty training. Alyssa the easiest one of all. For a few days, she wanted the diaper and was a little attached but soon left it behind. I can proudly, yet with a little tear that I will never have to change diapers again! But wait that's all I've been doing for 7 years what will I do with myself???
The only person I haven't posted about is Aydrey. I feel bad. We do have 4 kids. :) Maybe she'll do something exciting here in the next few days. She's as cute as ever. She is and always be my little spit fire. Very firery that one. But so sweet too. She is very clear about what she wants and what she doesn't. But when you're not looking does something amazing. That's just her. Wouldn't change her for anything!
Bye, for now.